Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Thursday Evening

So I'm sitting here outside on a cool night, looking out at the hills. I've been here coming up on two months now, with about another 7 weeks to go before I head back to the States. Even though I've still got a bit of time left, it feels like the semester is almost over. I started getting ready to register for classes next semester, which always means the end is looming on the horizon. But as I've been looking at the calendar, my time is starting to become limited. In a couple weeks, we are off to Galilee for I think around 8 days or so. After a week back here at YadHashmonah, the week of travel study break begins, meaning I'll be in Greece for almost 10 days. None of that is bad by any means, but I'm starting to think about the papers which are going to be due that last week. My first one for History of the Modern State of Israel is coming along nicely, and should be done hopefully by this weekend. My other paper, the larger one, I haven't yet started on and is probably going to be quite heavy. Its going to be a joint paper for my History of Ancient Israel/Life of Christ classes, and I'm planning on analyzing the atoning death of Christ through the eyes of the Old Testament sacrificial system.

Everything else is great. We went on a trip to Samaria yesterday. It seemed quite a bit shorter than our others. Although, taking a four-day trip to the wastes of the Negev has a tendency to do that. I didn't take many pictures, so I probably won't put any up. But I did see a few cool things, like the ancient sites of Ai, Bethel, Shiloh, and Shechem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So what's your class picks for your last semester look like?