Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Big Trouble in Old Jerusalem

So today I took my first foray into the Old City of Jerusalem. If you couldn't tell by the name, that's where the old stuff in Jerusalem is. It was really cool. We spent nearly 8 hours walking around in systematic fashion. We were able to see a lot of it, but there were a bunch of places that we either couldn't spend a large amount of time at or even get to. Thats okay, it's only the first of multiple trips into the Old City that we'll be taking.

I took some pictures, which you are more than welcome to take a look at. I didn't take pictures at everything we went to, because I knew I'd get to some of those places again later.

This is the Citadel of David. It's pretty much a castle, and it's pretty much awesome.

This is me pretending to shoot arrows during the castle siege. I know, its kind of nerdy.

This is Dave and I standing atop the Citadel with the Mount of Olives behind us.

This is the view of the Mount of Olives from the top of the Citadel. I don't know if you can see them, but notice the Dome of the Rock in the center and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher to the far left (the two gray domes with the crucifixes).

If you couldn't see them before, here they are...

Us men were having a coonskin moment in the citadel.

Looking down into the pool of Bethesda. If you don't know what that is, then read John 5.

The Dome of the Rock behind the Western Wall.

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