Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Day That Didn't Last 24 Hours, But Felt Much Longer

So I'm here in Jerusalem, moslty unpacked and starting to settle in for the evening. Yeah, evening. Its been a long 24 hours, though it feels like 36. My internal clock is all messed up, and I expect it to be for a couple days.

I'm really thinking this will be a blast. Though I've only been here for a little bit, things are just clicking together. Plus, its good to see some friends again that I hadn't seen all summer.

I don't really have any pictures taken yet for me to post, mainly for two reasons:
1) I haven't been here long or really seen anything significant, and
2) I'm not a tourist. I don't wear bermuda shorts or socks with sandals.

Like I said, I haven't seen much but a little bit of city from the highway and the things up here at Moshav Yad HaShmonah (the living community where we are staying in Jerusalem), so I haven't taken any pictures yet. But there is the Elvis Cafe down the street from us here, so I'll make sure to tell you all about that later on. I know, the anticipation is killing you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the land of Zion and Yeshua, Micha-el. Glad to hear you made it in one piece.